Before teaching this lesson I was informed that the 4th graders were planning a road trip. For this road trip they were to each pick a county and map out how long it would take, how much it would cost, and how all of the places they would visit. I then took this concept and decided to teach a lesson on space. As a end result the kids would take these concepts, and draw a road with scenery representing their county.
I first started the lesson by teaching these different concepts. Overlapping, Placement, Size, Detail, and Vanishing points/horizon lines.

Then I handed out a painting to each table along with the following handout as a guide to analyze the painting and how it uses these concepts. After they were done one person from each group came up to share and discuss with the class.
The following picture is an example for their final product, I gave them specific instructions to use each concept and also make a list of things that are in their counties that they could include. In the end the kids enjoyed the project and gained a new understanding of space and how to create it in their own art. Also they were able to further understand and visualize their county.
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